
by Jason Kay, Call Tracking Expert

How HubSpot works with Retreaver

Retreaver is proud to showcase its integration with HubSpot, a leading CRM platform used by over 37,000 customers in 90 countries around the world for one sole purpose: To learn more about their customer journey. With the rising importance of phone calls, businesses need a reliable call tracking and data collection service, HubSpot helps keeps all that valuable data organized.

by Jason Kay, Call Tracking Expert

Integration Trends for Marketers

If MarTech’s conference in San Jose proved anything, it's that the marketing software industry has grown into a tech powerhouse—and has yet to grow even further. Marketing technology shows no sign of slowing down. Over time, more martech solutions will appear, grow, and evolve. With all the recent technological breakthroughs set to become mainstream this year - It will be an exciting time for developers and business owners looking to leverage new powerful tech solutions.