The History of Webhooks in Retreaver
Retreaver first launched as CallPixels in 2012 as a call tracking platform for marketers. It allowed phone call outcomes to trigger pixels fires for the purpose of tracking call conversions. Retreaver delivered conversion tracking for phone calls the same way that tracking pixels were doing (and are still doing) for websites and landing pages, and like for those pages, “Call Pixels” were added to call campaigns using Tracking URLs. Tracking URLs eventually evolved into Webhooks as a means of communicating data between various web-services.
Your Calls Now Drive More Than Tracking
Retreaver Webhooks can be triggered when calls are dialed, when agents are selected, when they are connected and when the call ends based on conversion outcome. It’s functionality has created countless possibilities for companies looking to integrate inbound calls with their digital marketing workflows and services.
Data Communication Pipeline Explained
As Retreaver collects information about your calls, those attributes are stored under a universally unique identifier (UUID) in your call log. Start Pings are webhooks that can be fired at the beginning of a call and can be used to forward call attributes outside of Retreaver. Postbacks are webhooks that can be sent to a UUID to update call attributes from outside of the Retreaver platform.
Use Retreaver Webhooks To Make Workflows Seamless Retreaver Webhooks provide you with the ability to POST or GET with any system. Passing data right within URL parameters on those webhooks. With this capability to send any of your call data to other systems, and to receive information back onto calls in real-time.
Retreaver makes it possible to have your calls work with services such as:
Google Analytics 360 - Send information about your calls to Google Analytics including Valuetrack parameters from ads, custom dimensions, campaign details, even the answering agent. And capture this for each stage of the call. Read about Google Analytics.
ClickSend - Send your agents answering the phone a visual heads by up using ClickSend text messages right before they answer the phone. Follow up with callers that have opted-in with text-message-based offers and thank you messages.
Zapier- Take your integrations to the next level by using Zapier to leverage the power of 800+ online services. Send your call data to Zapier to integrate workflows with most marketing and online services and return data to your calls for use in routing. Read more about Zapier.
VoiceBase can transcribe your phone calls to reveal new insights from your call recordings. Scan your recordings for certain keywords or transcribe the call into text for review. Read about our VoiceBase Integration.
To learn more about how Retreaver Webhooks can help you to do more with your call data, send us a message at support@retreaver.com or call 1-866-898-7878.